How The Dark Crystal Took 30 Years to Prove Muppets Aren’t Just for Kids | Deep Cuts | Netflix

In the 2013 book Jim Henson: The Biography by Brian Jay Jones, we read time and time again that Jim Henson was trying to rid himself of a, “puppet prejudice”.

The idea that people thought that puppets were just for children. I’d spent a little bit of time explaining how this came to a head with The Dark Crystal in the past, but couple of days ago Netflix made that same connection and pushed it further into the Age of Resistance series with their excellent video

How The Dark Crystal Took 30 Years to Prove Muppets Aren’t Just for Kids | Deep Cuts | Netflix:

Jason is the creator of The Dark Crystal Conjunction, Your YouTube space to nerd out about all things The Dark Crystal! Visit his YouTube channel or follow him on Twitter @DarkCrystalConj

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