No new show for Trial By Stone in December

Hi everyone, Phil here.

Just wanted to let you all know that there won’t be an episode of the podcast this month, we had plans to record but our work/personal lives with Sydnni and I have been very busy.

We hope to be back in the new year, either by late January or early February at the latest to get back to recording and chatting Dark Crystal.

Sorry about the lack of Dark Crystal podcasting lately, especially with second half of 2023.

I’m hoping to improve on many things with the podcast in the new year as we have several reasons to keep podcasting with Trial By Stone in 2024 with celebrating 5 years of Age of Resistance and 10 years of Trial By Stone.

Hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year for 2024!

Thanks and stay tuned for more Trial By Stone!


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